Our Farm

Redmond Family Farm has been a dream in our hearts since 2013.

The dream started as a tiny seed. A wish, a vision, and a hope for maybe some land and some sheep one day. To live without relying on the grocery store for everything, and to handcraft goods from homegrown things that would bring joy to others. After marrying my husband and starting our family, I discovered a love for flowers that lead to extensive research on their characteristics and growing temperaments. I then moved onto growing vegetables, companion planting, and even an attempt at dandelion wine. When slugs started eating my beautiful strawberry plants, I had to figure something out. Not wanting to pollute our land with harsh chemicals, and in turn consume those chemicals, lead me to search out a natural solution. I discovered that ducks are often used as a pest control for gardens and vineyards. I found my first 4 Muscovy ducklings from a Craigslist ad in 2017 and my love for animal husbandry took off from there. We moved to Indiana in 2019 and having more acreage allowed us to expand our endeavors. Our hope is to produce as much as we can to provide for our needs, with the ultimate goal of being a blessing to our neighbors and community for Christ.